MIRTOS Assembly Language Source Code Examples

Example routines, some of which were used in video demonstrations
The "Hello, World!" first program
Add a timed password for device access
Create scripts in FLASH; last example uses HEXtoASCII.Inc
Display the COM1 buffered BYTE count in WS2812 GRB LEDs
Display the RTC time and date in WS2812 GRB LEDs
Print the Real Time Clocks (RTC) date and time
Multitasking routine template
Display the login status and heartbeat using a single LED
    Monitor inputs and annunciate changes
Monitor an input and transmit changes
Print a single Analog Input value if/when it changes
Round robin nRF24L01+ communication among 4 nodes
The routines which came with MIRTOS Version 2.16
Command extensions with the online help strings
    Edit uVars.B[ ] variables by array index
Display the Parsing Buffer
Display the MCU chip's input Voltage
nRF24L01+ command extension "nTx"
Tiny (16 BYTE) memory dump invocation
Toggle the nRF24L01+ carrier
Toggle a specific discrete output
Display a BYTE value to eight (8) WS2812 GRB LEDs
Display a block of BYTEs to a WS2812 GRB LED array
WS2812 GRB LED sequencer
    Common subroutines used by all of the LED sequencer example modes
Mode 0 - fade to black
Mode 1 - set all to the same color immediately
Mode 2 - gradually increase to the same white intensity
Mode 3 - brighten up
Mode 4 - brighter
Mode 5 - fade all to the same color
Mode 6 - end to end color bar runner
Mode 8 - dim down to black then set to a random new color
Mode 12 - dim down to black then set a new within a color set
Mode 16 - queue out; pixel movement away from the controller
Mode 17 - queue in; pixel movement toward the controller

MIRTOS Version 2.16 - Friday, August 17, 2018
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