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Introduction to the IMAPTool program   The "maybe"s list mentioned at the start of the video:
Maybe you:
... forgot about it for awhile and it just got so many emails that it became frustrating to use.
... didn't create folders for emails you want to keep or forgot to keep moving them from INBOX to those folders, or setup a rule to automatically move them or delete them.
... get too many unwanted emails that were not filtered out upon receipt.
... didn't setup a rule to automatically move specific emails to folders, or delete others.
... didn't setup rules, which usually only work on newly received email, but you would like to filter them now.
... received a message which looks like spam but you'd like to check it in its raw form without your email client opening it, then expanding it, and possibly even executing one of its attachments.
... have a phone which doesn't have a "view source" option and you'd like to see an email's actual contents before deleting it (or saving it.)